Light Language

Intuïtive Soul Art & Healing

For lightworkers, starseeds and anyone who feels drawn to this beautiful and cosmic language of the soul

Ignite your Light

It is time to let your Light shine, to be who you really are and to embrace your true power.
With love I help you remember that everything is already present in you and to support you further on your path in connection with Mother Earth and your Cosmic origin.

Written Light Codes

In my multi layered drawings are light codes, written and drawn in different dialects from my multidimensional higher self in connection with source.
These can be light codes from my Galactic, Angelic, Dragon and Nature Being - Fae aspects and the dimensions to lovingly support us.
Our subconscious understands this, just like with the gestures and speaking of light language.

These light codes work through your energy field and are there to support and empower you and to help awaken the light within you.

Soul drawing

When I start with your soul drawing I tune into your energy, your higher self, your soul.

From there a drawing is created in which many layers and information are placed especially for you.

To help you live your life here on earth as it is meant to be, from your heart in light, love, freedom and sovereignty.

Workshop Intuïtive Light Language drawing & writing

When do you join?

  • Light language is new to you and you are exploring it
  • You have started writing and drawing symbols of light language codes or feel that they are coming
  • You speak and/or gesture light language and want to try to write these light codes
  • You feel attracted to light language but have not yet expressed it

We start the workshop with a meditation and then you will receive a light language activation from me to open the flow of creation and then we will start.

The workshop is an invitation to draw from your intuition, your feeling, express what lives in you and understand what light language entails. How you can initially support yourself with it.

During the workshop there is a safe space for everyone to express themselves, there is also room for speaking light language and gestures to encourage each other and express what you want to come out.

There are currently no fixed dates planned for the online workshop.
If you register with 3 or more people, we will schedule a date together.

Healing & Guidance

Do you want support on your path with your shadow work, your mission and/or with the awakening of your own Light Language?

During the healing & guidance session I use light language, energetic bodywork, voice liberation, crystals, rainstick and my drum to support your process.

The sessions are online.
Want to know more about it? Feel free to contact me.

Light language healing fits a self-responsible, conscious and holistic lifestyle. It can work supportively alongside natural and regular health care. If you experience physical and/or serious psychological complaints, consider approaching your health care provider first.

Foto at the top: Renske Zwaan Photography